Orekit 12.0 released
Orekit 12.0 – Java After one year of development, the Orekit team is pleased to announce the release of Orekit version 12.0. Version 12.0 is a major release of Orekit. The main changes are: Orekit Read more…
Our products based on Orekit and our space mechanics expertise.
Flight Dynamics and Orekit Services CS GROUP proposes.
Orekit is a living product thanks to its community of contributors and to its numerous world-wide users.
Orekit 12.0 – Java After one year of development, the Orekit team is pleased to announce the release of Orekit version 12.0. Version 12.0 is a major release of Orekit. The main changes are: Orekit Read more…
The Hipparchus team is pleased to announce the release of Hipparchus 3.0. Version 3.0 is a major release. Highlights in the 3.0 release are: The release notes can be read here: Hipparchus changes report. The Read more…
The Orekit team is pleased to announce the release of Orekit version 11.3. This is a minor version, including both new features and bug fixes. Highlights in the 11.3 release are: This release also include Read more…
Parc de la Grande Plaine – 6, rue Brindejonc des Moulinais – BP 15872
31506 TOULOUSE Cedex 05 – France
E-mail: orekit.space@csgroup.eu